
Chaplain Mylan Morisseau

Chaplain Mylan Morisseau is 16 years old and resides in Land O Lakes, Florida. She has been nurtured and guided in Christian principles under the powerful ministry of True Worship Prophetic Kingdom Ministry. Chaplain Mylan’s mentor and teacher has been none other than her mother, Pastor Mavis Morisseau and her Godmother, Pastor Stephanie Harley.

Chaplain Mylan has been consistently praying and working in the kingdom of God since the age of 5 years old. As her prayer life is developing, Mylan is helping her peer at school overcome challenges in daily living and self-esteem issues. She truly an anointed encourager and shares Yahweh’s agape love everywhere she goes.

In 2018, Chaplain Mylan became a member of St. Petersburg, Florida Chaplain Outreach Ministry under the leadership of Chaplain Marcel and Pastor Braide. As a chaplain, Mylan has encouraged youth at the Tampa Girls Juvenile Facility and inspired seniors at the nursing facility.

While serving in True Worship Prophetic Ministry, Chaplain Mylan has participated in Black History programs, ministered in youth programs at Beulah Baptist Institutional Church, volunteered in service to youth at a horse ranch in Dade, Florida, and a host of other events.

Currently Chaplain is currently using her gifts in Artistry. She makes jewelry, bracelets and necklaces and also paints on canvas with watercolor and acrylics to name a few.

Chaplain Mylan purposes to be the “Light” wherever she goes and chooses to make “Wise” decisions to affect her generation now and in the future.


Why Me? Why Not Me?